It's Back to School Time ✨ Here are our Top Favorite Items
It is already that time again!
Back to School. For some it can’t come fast enough,
for others it seems as if summer just started.
September brings that feeling of transition
and it just wouldn’t be fall without getting ready for that big first day.
Allure Boutique has you covered
with some new clothing lines perfect to get your kiddos
ready to feel their best on that important day.
+ Tops that transition us into Fall seamlessly +
From Tucker NYC to Bishop and Young. We have you covered on quality threads.
+ Jeans are for every season +
So of course we have to show you our newest arrivals including the ever amazing Vervet, Judy Blue, Velvet Heart & AG lines.
+ Don't forget your School Spirit +
We custom ordered these hot new bracelets by Erimish to represent Libertyville High School! Grab a handful because they are the perfect accessory for the big games!
+ Erin Gray Jewelry +
Timeless and perfect with any outfit. The comfortable, light, yet luxury pieces by Erin Gray are meant to last in your wardrobe for years to come.
+ Makeup lesson +
Need a confidence boost? We got you. One of our amazing makeup artists is ready to give you the rundown on all things makeup + techniques to take home with you.
+ Makeup brushes +
Last but not least, be sure to stock up on one of our favorite Glo Makeup products, their Makeup Brushes! Makeup brushes are your go-to tools for application precision and good beauty hygiene. Master your artistry with Glo Makeup's professional tools.